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Why Become a Woodbury PTA Member?
PTA connects families, schools, and communities by providing year-long programs and services at Woodbury. Joining the PTA keeps our programs alive, provides classroom support, and helps families stay engaged.
Membership is important because it helps our parents' voice be heard at the every level. When we have a large number of members and we wish to be heard, officials will listen. This can be at the city, district, state or national level.
Why Donate to the Woodbury PTA?
Donations to the PTA help support programs and events throughout the year!
Not a member? Donate via PayPal.
Prefer cash or check? Deliver an envelope to the front office.
Welcome Coffee
Ice Cream Social
Bunco Night
Haunted Maze
Talent Show
Spelling Bee
Family Fun Night
Lunch On The Lawn
Mustang Olympics
School Carnival
School-wide Assemblies
4th/5h/6th Grade Walk Through Assemblies
Lunchtime Activities
LEAD Recognition
Lower Grade Art
5th Grade Girls' Night
5th Grade Guys' Night
Red Ribbon Week
Staff Appreciation